Jumbo July
Jumbo July
With the Summer Season in full swing, now’s a great time to make sure your workouts are fast and efficient so you can get into the gym, get a massive pump, head to the beach, and turn heads once you get there! Introducing: Jumbo July
The plan involves 4 days of work alternating between upper and lower body workouts. It features the high-volyme 8x8 system, building all the way up to 10x10 on the last week to end off July with a bang. This program is not for the faint of heart, but we know all of our Barbell Club members are up for the challenge! Be conservative with the weights to start; 60% 1RM on the bar is likely plenty for week 1’s main work!
As always, make sure to feed the machine and sleep like a bear to ensure your recovery efforts match your efforts in the gym. Let's ride the wave and keep the gains flowing; Jumbo July is sure to be another great month of gains!