The Perfect Storm
The Perfect Storm
For the month of August, we’re hitting you with a perfect trifecta of strength, power, and size. This month, we’re working on getting jacked while being as strong and powerful as you look. The last thing you want is to look like Tarzan and play like Jane. Introducing: The Perfect Storm!
The plan involves 4 days of work alternating between upper and lower body workouts. It’s the perfect blend of thunder (heavy lifts) and lightning (explosive work and skin-splitting pumps). This program is not for the faint of heart, but we know all of our Barbell Club members are up for the challenge! Be conservative with the weights to start and look to build week to week as you get more comfortable with the movements!
As always, make sure to feed the machine and sleep like a bear to ensure your recovery efforts match your efforts in the gym. Let’s ride the wave and keep the gains flowing; The Perfect Storm is sure to be another great month of Gains!